Should I Get a Rapid Test?

AFC Urgent Care Fountain City’s rapid tests are highly accurate! Yes, some rapid flu, strep and COVID-19 tests have produced false positives, but our AFC center provides rapid tests with results that are as accurate as they come.

To learn when you should consider getting a test and why our tests are more accurate than others, keep reading!

How Likely Am I to Get Sick?

With businesses and local governments starting to become fully open again, it will become more and more possible to get sick with another contagious illness, even if you’ve already been fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

The best way to remain healthy as larger crowds begin to gather together is by choosing safer activities. We’ve listed some types of activities that allow for lower-risk environments below.

Safe Activity Choices

  • Walk, run or bike outdoors with members of your household.
  • Attend a small, outdoor gathering with fully vaccinated family and friends.
  • Attend a small, outdoor gathering with fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people, particularly in areas of substantial to high transmission.

Are AFC’s Rapid Tests Reliable?

Yes, they are! Many rapid COVID-19 tets are antigen tests, which have been known to produce a false positive as high as 20% because they are the cheapest to make. Our tests, however, are molecular tests, which detect the RNA of the coronavirus and are sensitive enough to need only a very tiny amount of it, thus resulting in fewer false positives.

We also offer rapid strep and flu tests that provide accurate results in 15 minutes or less. You don’t even need an appointment! If you are experiencing symptoms of any of these three illnesses, make sure to do your part in keeping others healthy by sticking with the below-mentioned safety techniques.

Ways to Stay Safe Before Getting Tested

  • Stay home except to get tested or for medical care.
  • Separate yourself from other people and animals in your home.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or shirt sleeve.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Avoid sharing personal items with others.

Our rapid tests provide accurate results in 15 minutes or less, and an appointment isn’t even necessary! Visit our AFC Urgent Care Fountain City team today.